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Steps You Can Take to Improve Home Safety


Aging will bring many changes to your daily living. Unfortunately, aging will also bring safety risks. 
Ensuring home safety in North Carolina made us understand how numerous health conditions can affect the mobility and condition of individuals. With these effects, the risk of many accidents at home rises. What are some things you can do to improve safety at home? 

  • Home Modifications 
    Home improvements and modifications are the go-to methods when improving home safety. Modifications such as widening doorways, creating roll-in showers, and lowering power outlets will make your homes more accessible. With better accessibility, safety can be optimized. You can also choose to have ramps, stair lifts, and grab rails fitted around high-risk areas inside your home. 
  • Fall Preventions Programs 
    Fall prevention programs aim to reduce the occurrences of fatal falls among seniors. These programs can also help maintain and improve mobility. With these programs, you can maximize your loved one’s safety at home. 
  • Physical and Occupational Therapy 
    Physical and occupational can have the same effect as fall prevention programs. These therapies will improve mobility and address pain points. It can also help regain independence. With optimized mobility, you are keeping the risk of accidents at a minimum. 

Of course, working with home care providers to assist and supervise your loved ones throughout their activities is never a bad idea. They can look after your loved ones, effectively avoiding accidents. To add to that, respite care will ensure care providers can provide better care for your loved ones. 

Here at Tender Home Care Agency, we can help you optimize your safety with our home care services in Gastonia, North Carolina. Contact us today for your inquiries!

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