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Senior Guide: Fall Prevention Tips for Safe Navigation


No matter how many times we remind ourselves and others to be careful, we can never escape inevitable accidental circumstances. Still, it’s necessary to take precautions wherever we go and in whatever we do. However, we can’t say the same for seniors who are already physically vulnerable.

As your provider of home care services in Gastonia, North Carolina, allow us, Tender Home Care Agency, to share with you some fall prevention tips. Hereunder are some of them:

  • Regularly meet with healthcare experts. We can connect you to medical experts who can assess your existing medications to know which among them is increasing your susceptibility to falls. We also have professional caregivers who can accompany you to ensure your safety, especially during your bathroom schedules.
  • Wear correct footwear. A jolt in the joints can be very painful and to avoid this, wear shoes that fit you well. Sturdy and flat ones are highly recommended.
  • Well-lit and labeled spaces. Home improvements can be done such as installing lights in areas that your senior loved ones frequent so that it’ll be easier for them to navigate the path. It’ll also help when there is signage placed for their reference.
  • Assistive devices. Canes and walkers are the most common mobility aids for seniors. Purchase durable ones for longer use.

We’re experts when it comes to home safety in North Carolina and we prioritize the safety of your elderly folks so that they can walk around their homes without the fear of falling or slipping. If you wish to know more about how we can be of help or get started with our services, kindly give us a call.

We also offer respite care. Get in touch!

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