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Is It Time for Your Loved One to Receive Home Care?

As a provider of home care services in Gastonia, North Carolina, we at Tender Home Care Agency Services are often asked when is it a good time to consider home care for a loved one. As other care experts would tell you, the best time would be when they can still make their own decisions about it.

But other than that, when do we know it’s time for home care? Based on our expertise in senior care, we have identified some detectable signs that your loved one needs help with home living:

  • Piles of unsorted mail and bills
    A task as simple as sorting requires a lot of concentration and coordination. These skills lessen as your loved one eventually struggles with physical and cognitive problems.
  • Regular isolation
    Your loved one may be slowly losing contact with their neighbors and friends due to the problems mentioned. Research reveals that most seniors struggle with remaining involved with family and friends, leading to persistent feelings of loneliness that raise the risk of both physical and mental health problems. This is something companion care can address.
  • Complex prescriptions
    Your loved one may have mentioned that they have a lot of medication to take. It’s common for seniors to deal with five or more chronic conditions that need complex prescriptions. But this puts them at risk of medication errors.
  • A home that feels unsafe
    It doesn’t have to mean that the house is falling apart. Sometimes, piling laundry, gathering dust, spoiling stuff in the fridge, and spills can compromise home safety in North Carolina.

When you notice these things, it’s time to have an open discussion with your loved ones and consider how home care may make home living safe for them again. Call now to learn more about our services like respite care.

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